Drama Unfolds as Joao Felix and Ferran Torres Vie for Free-Kick Duty in Barcelona’s Clash with Barbastro – Fc Barcelona News

Drama Unfolds as Joao Felix and Ferran Torres Vie for Free-Kick Duty in Barcelona’s Clash with Barbastro


A moment of intrigue transpired around the half-hour mark in Barcelona’s recent encounter with Barbastro when a free-kick opportunity presented itself. Ferran Torres, brought down just outside the box, seemed the natural choice to take the kick. However, a surprising twist unfolded as Joao Felix stepped forward to claim the opportunity.

Despite Ferran’s pleas, the Portuguese winger remained adamant and proceeded to take the kick, only to see his attempt saved by the Barbastro goalkeeper. This incident highlights the ongoing struggle with free-kicks for Barcelona, an aspect that has posed challenges since the departure of Lionel Messi. Notably, the Catalans have only managed to score once directly from a free-kick post-Messi era, with Ferran Torres converting it against Real Betis earlier this season. The internal dynamics and decision-making around set-pieces add an intriguing layer to Barcelona’s evolving playstyle.

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