Vicky López: A Star is Born – Fc Barcelona News

Vicky López: A Star is Born


Vicky López, the 17-year-old football sensation from Madrid, is currently basking in the prime of her career, excelling both with Barcelona and the Spanish national team. Her debut with the Spanish national team was nothing short of spectacular, coming in the 73rd minute against the Netherlands in the Nations League semifinal—a historic match that secured Spain’s first-ever qualification for the Olympics.

In those pivotal twenty minutes, including added time, Vicky showcased her immense potential on the international stage, impressing with quality plays and a remarkable passing accuracy of 89%. Her entrance even earned her applause from the spectators at La Cartuja, portraying her as the embodiment of optimism for the sport’s future.

“I am happy; I was able to debut in such a beautiful context,” said the Madrid native in an interview with the Federation. “It was a tough opponent, and the match meant Olympic qualification. At first, when they called me to warm up, I was super nervous—so much that my stomach hurt. But when I entered, I left the nerves on the sidelines and enjoyed it.”

Amidst the celebration for the Olympic berth, Vicky experienced a traditional “mantear,” a joyful tossing in the air by her teammates. Despite her admitted shyness, she expressed gratitude for the support and warm welcome from her teammates.

These days, she is inseparable from Salma Paralluelo, her “older sister” in the team. Salma, a Zaragoza native, praised Vicky’s incredible talent and dedication to improvement, expressing delight for her teammate’s well-deserved success.

Montse Tomé’s call came at a peak moment for Vicky, coinciding with her notable contributions at Barcelona, where she has gradually gained prominence under Jonatan Giráldez. The same week she received the call, she scored a crucial goal against Atlético Madrid. Interestingly, the call found her studying for a History exam during a free morning. Despite expecting a call-up for the U-20 team that day, Vicky was surprised to learn she had been selected for the senior squad. Juggling football commitments and academics, Vicky Lopez continues to make waves in both her sporting and academic pursuits.

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