Laporta Loses Six Members from his First Executive Board at FC Barcelona – Fc Barcelona News

Laporta Loses Six Members from his First Executive Board at FC Barcelona


In the fast-paced world of FC Barcelona’s leadership, President Joan Laporta finds himself facing a significant reshuffling as six members of his initial executive board bid adieu. Maribel Meléndez, the Corporate Director, marks the latest departure from the core leadership group of the Blaugrana’s top echelon. Amid these changes, only Carles Cendrós (Human Resources), Xavier Budó (Professional Sports), and Anna Aznar (Social Area) maintain their positions.

As we approach the three-year mark since Joan Laporta’s election as FC Barcelona’s president, the landscape of the executive team has seen notable alterations. Laporta, who accepted the challenge of steering the club back on course in various aspects, has witnessed both enthusiastic joiners and departures from his project.

Reviewing the executive board’s May 2021 lineup, four members remain in their roles: President Joan Laporta, Carles Cendrós overseeing Human Resources, Xavier Budó leading the Professional Sports area, and Anna Aznar managing the Social Area, nearing her retirement after over 40 years of service.

Below is a breakdown of the departed members who no longer hold positions at FC Barcelona:

  1. Mateu Alemany: A pivotal figure in Laporta’s candidacy, Alemany, the Football Director, played a crucial role in restructuring the squad alongside Jordi Cruyff and Xavi Hernández. Despite initially communicating his departure in May 2023, linked to Aston Villa, he later stayed with the club but eventually left after the transfer window.
  2. Guillem Graell: As the Director of the Brand Area, Graell was the last remaining executive from Josep Maria Bartomeu’s presidency, but his association with FC Barcelona concluded in June 2021.
  3. Maribel Meléndez: The departure of the Corporate Director was officially confirmed this week, as she seeks new professional challenges. She joined FC Barcelona in May 2021 from CaixaBank, holding the highest executive position after the departure of former CEO Ferran Reverter.
  4. Ferran Reverter: Initially appointed as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Reverter resigned in February 2022, just a year after winning the elections. His departure coincided with the announcement of the sponsorship agreement with Spotify.
  5. Àlex Barbany: Serving as the Executive Director of Espai Barça from April 2022 until September 2023, Barbany joined the club in March 2021 as the Director of Revenue for the Commercial Area.
  6. Juan Manuel Tabero: The Director of Technology officially left in March 2022, having played a significant role in the digital referendum on Espai Barça financing. His departure coincided with CEO Ferran Reverter’s resignation.

As FC Barcelona navigates these changes, Laporta faces the challenge of maintaining stability and continuity within the executive leadership.

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