Police Mega Operation for Barça PSG Match – Fc Barcelona News

Police Mega Operation for Barça PSG Match


The operation will involve over 250 Mossos officers before and during the match Catalan police work closely with France’s ‘Police Nationale’ and Barcelona FC The jihadist threat has necessitated an increase in anti-terror measures

The PSG-Barça match was overshadowed by the jihadist terrorism threat during the lead-up, which targeted the first-leg matches of the Champions League quarter-finals. The return leg at Montjuïc, although no further threats have been made, remains a major sporting event that, due to the large number of people it attracts, requires a special police operation.

The Mossos d’Esquadra has spearheaded a significant security deployment to ensure the smooth progress of this fixture. They have done so in coordination with France’s ‘Police Nationale,’ the Guardia Urbana, and Barcelona FC. With an estimated 50,000 people expected at the Olympic Stadium, including over 2,600 PSG fans, among them approximately 400 radicals, Catalan police have divided the operation into two main areas: one related to the terrorist threat and the other to radical groups.

Radical Groups It is planned that over 350 officers “at their maximum phase,” according to Mossos (covering the arrival of fans at the stadium and during the match), will be active to ensure security. These include Public Order officers, Canine and Subsurface Units, City Security (Regional Motorcycle Group and Urban Crime Group), Information Units, and Special Intervention Groups. The entire operation will also be accompanied by aerial surveillance using drones and helicopters.

Regarding the control of radical groups, ultra-PSG supporters will be monitored from their arrival in Barcelona. In fact, they will be escorted to the Montjuïc venue to ensure no incidents occur. This group will be the first to enter the stadium, around 7 p.m., and the last to leave the premises. The main goal is to prevent the radical fans of both clubs from mingling and to avoid any confrontations.

Terrorist Threat According to Mossos, the terrorist threat level “remains at 4 out of 5,” requiring a high level of security measures. Therefore, risk prevention will be emphasized, not only for a match of this nature but also for other events with large crowds.

Some characteristics of this type of operation include the presence of Special Intervention Groups (GEI), Drones, or Helicopters (Aerial Resources), whose activation also serves as a deterrent against possible public order disturbances that may arise concerning radical fan groups.

Mossos, beyond emphasizing planned security measures, stress that such matches typically require a significant effort to ensure the smooth running of the event, whether it be sporting competitions or mass cultural events.

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