Barcelona demand resignation of La Liga President Javier Tebas  – Fc Barcelona News

Barcelona demand resignation of La Liga President Javier Tebas 


Barcelona have publicly demanded that La Liga President Javier Tebas step down from his position, following an accusation in La Vanguardia.

The accusation published by La Vanguardia alleges that Tebas presented false evidence to the public prosecutor over El Caso Negreira, which Tebas has responded to.

Barcelona have expressed their ‘anger, dismay and indignation’ at what they cateogrised as ‘false evidence to incriminate our club’. The statement goes on to say that they feel they are the ‘victim of media campaign’ with La Liga ‘fanning the flames behind the scenes’.

‘In contrast to his usual nonsense’ the statement continues, ‘we could never have imagined he would present false evidence to incriminate us’.

The strong tone continues with accusations of using the media to influence opinion against Barcelona, as a result of his ‘obsession’ and ‘manifest dislike’ of Barcelona. The statements ends by demanding Tebas’ resignation, should he fail to explain himself publicly beyond the tweet.

It seems as if the war between Tebas and Laporta is set to continue on for some time. Tebas asked for the Barcelona President to resign shortly after the Caso Negreira revelations if he could not explain them, and the Blaugrana have now responded in kind. Laporta was also the first to coin the term ‘obsession’, to describe what he believes to be a campaign from Tebas.

Full statement:

Given the gravity of the information that has appeared today Monday in La Vanguardia in which the La Liga president Javier Tebas is linked to the presentation of false evidence to the public prosecutor to incriminate our club, FC Barcelona wishes to expresses its deepest indignation, anger and dismay.

For that reason, we require the La Liga president urgently to appear in public to explain himself, beyond the tweet sent in the early hours by Mr.Tebas, lacking study and with a threatening veneer.

FC Barcelona, as president Joan Laporta repeated in recent weeks, feels itself to be the victim of a media campaign for events that never took place: Barça has never paid referees.

This harassment involves a group of media outlets and opinion writers with varying degrees of intent and with La Liga fanning the flames behind the scenes against out Club, with contributions from its president who has only gone in one direction: trying to condemn us in the public’s eyes before the facts have been judged.

It is not the first time that the president of La Liga has used the media weapons at his disposal to damage FC Barcelona, however, in contrast to his usual nonsense, we could never have imagined that he could try to incriminate our club with false evidence.

The article published today by La Vanguardia is of such gravity that it should put all the clubs in La Liga on alert, given that is talks of practices which are in no way consistent with the job of the president of La Liga.

If only for this fact, that of giving himself powers that do not belong to him, although also for reasons of dignity and respect for the presidency of La Liga, Mr.Tebas should resign his post. Nevertheless, aware of his obsession with persecuting FC Barcelona and showing his constant averse and manifest dislike of our Club, we understand that the current La Liga president will persist in his efforts to keep damaging our club.

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